
1976 9/11 Abraham Lincoln acomplishment Acupressure Acupuncture Adolf Hitler aid al-qaida alexander hamilton Alexander pope allergist ambition Ambulance Dispatcher anatomy anesthesiologist animals april Ariel Camacho assistant asylum audiologist auricular therapy authority autogenic training bad basketball beauty Ben Carson benjamin franklin better big biology biomedical engineering Bless you body books Boyd K. Packer boys brigham young bright bubonic plague cancer cardiologist career caring cells cellular therapy Change character charles ketterer cheating china chinese chinese proverb christmas chromotherapy citizenship colors community cosmetology count leo tolstoy couture crazy create CTR dale murphy dan dierdorf data David bednar Dean Smith decisions denis waitley dennis prager dental dental lab technician Dermatologist destiny determination diagnosis Diagnostic Radiologist dignity disabled. dishonest diverse doctor drawing dubai dull ears Eastern medicine doctor education El Karma Elvis Presely Elvis Presley Emergency encouragement engaged enthusiasm entire environment environmental health specialist Eternity eyes eyesight fair faithfulness fascination fashion designing federal feet Final fools day football freedom fun future generous george chapman george mitchell george washington Germany givency global goal setting goals good Gordon B. hinckley graphics great greatness green hair happy harmony haymore health health educator health information specialist health science librarian healthy heart heliotherapy help henry davis thoreau holiday holidays home health aide honesty honor hosea ballou howard cosell IDP illness immunologist independence indian information injured ink integrity intellectual Intelligence interdisciplinary investing ireland ISIS james faust james freeman clark jewish holocaust job jobs joes John F Kennedy john wooden Joseph B. Wirthlin joseph smith jr karma keystone kind kindness knowledge korea kristallnacht laura schlessinger lausd law lawyer licensed practical nurse lies life life energy life goals life planning lifelong lights live long term Los Plebes Del Rancho lou holtz lucky make up male management managing marcus aurelius marilyn ferguson Marine biologist Mark Twain mark victor hansen Martin Luther King Jr matters Medical medical assistant medical illustrator medicine memorial memorial day Mexico military medical job mind spirit body morals mr. haymore murder music Musician N eldon tanner Nazis needles negative new beginning new media norman vincent peale nose nurse obedience oceans og mandino oncologist operations ophthamologist opportunities optical optician optimizing organizing oriental medicine otto graham jr pam knox part 1 part 2 passion past Paul Hatch peace personal peter vidmar pets Physcial Fitness. physical Physician pigments planning poet pollution positive poverty practice pranks presidents day project promise promises proud proverbs 13:20 proverbs 22:1 Psychiatrist quote racial cleansing Radiology Ralph Waldo Emerson Randy pausch record records recreation reflection reflexology refreshing refugges reggie bush registered dietitian research respect responsibility Richard L. Evans riches right right thing righteous Rome rudder russia sacrifice safety saint sandy allen satisfaction school science scientific self image self respect setting sheek showcase sick sixpillarsofcharacter Skin SLC smallest woman sneezing sophocles sound sports st patricks day Sterling W. Still steroids strength student led conference Student success statement students succeeding success sun surveillance Syria tattoo artist technician teeth ten commandments terminal ill terrorism the word of god theodore hesburgh Theodore Roosevelt therapist think thomas carlyle Thomas S. monson throat tiny To Kill A Mockingbird touchdown trainer trauma treatment true trustworthiness truth turkey United States university values Veterans day veterinarian victor hugo volunteer w. clement stone wanting wellbeing wellness wester what you see is what you get wide widest mouth william penn wisdom wise wonderful work worlds tallest women wrong yoga

Monday, April 20, 2015

Medical Assistant
Duties & Responsibilities: Medical assistants complete administrative and clinical tasks in the offices of physicians, podiatrists, chiropractors, and other health practitioners. Their duties vary with the location, specialty, and size of the practice.
Salary: $29,370
Education: Medical assistants have postsecondary education such as a certificate. Others enter the occupation with a high school diploma and learn through on-the-job training.

Reflection: Being a medical assistant seems like a well job if you're barely starting out. The job seems pretty interesting and time consuming. Even though this job seems really cool I would not like to work as a medical assistant. I would not like to be a medical assistant because I know I can do better and I can earn a better job than just being a medical assistant. In addition, I know what I’m capable of doing and this is not my cup of tea.

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